
We strive to advance the knowledge and treatment of pediatric neurological diseases through research.

The cornerstone of the Child Brain Foundation is the provision of funding and support of just-in-time concepts and research projects that will result in scientific and medical paradigm changes and better treatment for an understudied and underserved sector of the world’s population: our infants and children, who are the hope for the future.

The Child Brain Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 public charitable foundation.


The Child Brain Foundation supports scientific research for the benefit of infants and children afflicted by –or at risk of suffering from- any neurological disease.

The Foundation is a non-profit institution that abides to a single steering principle: the advancement of children’s well being through the facilitation of communication and collaboration among scientists, physicians, families and humanitarian supporters and advocates across the world.

Our goal is to increase societal awareness while helping scientists understand how the developing brain works in order to find cures for neurological diseases.

The foundation’s mission is built on three core pillars:


We support strategically timed and scientifically important large and medium-scale biomedical research projects with a strong potential for exerting an immediate impact on the understanding or the treatment of any childhood neurological disease.


We sustain the organization of combined expert and parent conferences and provide affected families and related professionals with understandable research and medical information. By making this information widely and globally accessible, the Foundation increases awareness for all pediatric neurological diseases, leading to greater funds specifically dedicated to these diseases.


We aim to set the standards by encouraging excellence in research and the rapid translation of scientific progress to children’s care.